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  • 禧源優 氫水機 富氫水
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首頁 » HIEND-Intimate Design

HIEND-Intimate Design

Intelligent Technology FIR inducing water outlet 


1. Circuit in a superminiature design.  Completely auto-inducing water outlet and no more switch bother
2. Installed with the water filter to efficiently ensure the water quality
3. With battery  (using 4pcs of AA battery) , free of plug , not occupying space
4. The sensor system can be switched off if not to use for a long-term to save the battery consumption
5. Battery holder easy to take off to change the batteries
6. No-touch design enabling to avoid the contact infection
7. Microcomputer- controlled water outlet sensor needs to be re-induced after continuously flowing for a while to prevent non-stop flowing for something accidentally touched 


Sensor Touch Lead-Free Goose Neck Water Outlet

NSF material authenticated , sensor touch, lead-free, beautiful and safe, 

  enjoy the 100% pure water

High water-pressure bearable joints, directly feed in water, filter then drink. The faucet with no need to equip bypass to avoid complicated switch steps and save water source. 


By Robot to do Nano painting


With the pearl paint panel made by the Japanese Robot, using the

Aerospace technology environment protective paints with no any volatile poison. Safe,strong and elegant. The case is also scratch, scrub, and acid resistant.


Good Water visible , multi intelligence flowmeter display 

1. Strong base, waterproof , pressure resistant to protect the precise facility.
2. with reminder function for changing the filter  
3. Water flowing speed display to ensure the water filtered steadily  
4. The timer to change the filter was set up individually  to save the filter cost 
5. Flashing warning reminder to ensure the remaining water amount
6. Buzzer warning reminder for unusual water flowing 


 Clearly recognized labels,    Easier to change the filter

1. The product description and number are attached outside of each filter. Simply collate the number on the black filter head to     disassemble/install the filter, clear and simple


With high purity & non-toxic Reverse Osmosis Tube  

1. Using higher cost yellow RO tube which is not easy

  to recycle and re-produce. The cockroaches don’t  like to touch thus it is safer and more dirt resistant compared to general white/blue or red color RO tube





Tel:  04-23200538

Working hour: Monday thru Friday AM9:00 –PM6:00 (Break time12:00 –PM1:00)

Mailbox: chiangyuan888@gmail.com

Franchise:Home Water Purifier / filter / patented filtersome Water Purifier / filter / patented filters

Hiend ,The new source , Negative hydrogen water , Water element water , Hydrogen water , Hydrogen-enriched water , Oxidation resistance , Anti-aging , Negative hydrogen ions , Negative hydrogen water health Cup , Water element Builder , Green laundry ball , In addition to chlorine shower , Water Pass , Water Purifier , Water filter, Energy water , Negative ion water, small molecule water, environmental hormones,top Water, dissolved oxygen in the water, oxygenated water, water dispenser, reverse osmosis, fountain of the Institute , bottled water, Water Ionizer, alkaline water, filter , filter


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